Pharmaceutical Business review

Selvita establishes first operations in US

Appreciating the importance of the U.S. biotechnology and pharmaceutical market, Selvita decided to come closer to its partners and clients and open a fully-owned US subsidiary, Selvita Inc.

The new company will initially have two offices located where the heart of the biotechnology industry beats – in Greater Boston and in the San Francisco Bay areas.

Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker said: "Massachusetts’ thriving life sciences community has become a magnet for investment by international companies that want to be where the action is.

"We welcome Selvita to Cambridge, and look forward to partnering with them to create jobs, and further economic growth and development."

Selvita is a leading global drug discovery company founded in 2007 in Krakow, Poland. The company employs 265 people, including 86 PhDs and is engaged in provision of integrated drug discovery services as well as research and development of breakthrough therapies in the area of oncology.

The new office located at 485 Massachusetts Ave. in Cambridge, Massachusetts will be the headquarters of Selvita Inc. and responsible for supporting the ongoing and future projects for our business partners from the East Coast, while the office located at 1001 Bayhill Drive, in San Bruno, California will function to support the projects for our partners from the West Coast.

Selvita CEO Pawel Przewiezlikowski said: "The US drug discovery market is already the largest for Selvita and absolutely strategic for the future development of the company.

"Both Greater Boston Area and San Francisco Bay Area are key to the whole biotechnology industry. Our presence in US will not only bring us closer both to our current and potential US clients, but at the same time will facilitate the bidirectional transfer of know-how between our labs in Poland and the partner base in the US. As the leading global drug discovery company we have already achieved a number of important milestones in Europe and now taking the leap across the Atlantic is a natural way for us to realize Selvita’s growth potential.

"We continuously invest in top-class facilities and equipment, and employ highly skilled and experienced professionals. Establishing permanent presence in the US is an investment in the quality of service and sales, and becoming even more easy to do business with for our US-based customers."

Yesterday, Thursday, September 17, a reception celebrating the opening of Selvita’s Cambridge office took place at the Museum of Science in Boston, MA. The event was held at the Skyline Room, offering breathtaking views of the Charles River, Back Bay, Boston and Cambridge.

"We are excited to celebrate the official opening of Selvita’s new office in Cambridge," said Mike Kennealy, Acting President & CEO of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, a state-funded investment agency that worked closely with Selvita on their location decision. "The company’s presence here will enable Selvita to make important contributions to the Massachusetts life sciences community and to drug development, in the world’s leading ecosystem for life sciences innovation and growth."

MassBio president & CEO Robert Coughlin said: "We are thrilled to officially welcome Selvita to the Massachusetts life sciences community.

"We know they will thrive and continue to grow here as they connect with fellow MassBio members and companies throughout the Commonwealth."