Pharmaceutical Business review

Sunshine HMEC study reveals Adva-27a non-toxicity at high concentrations

Concentrations of up to 24 micromolar of Adva-27a did not appreciably inhibit the normal growth process of the cells.

Sunshine Biopharma CEO Dr. Steve Slilaty said the data indicate the non-toxicity of Adva-27a to healthy tissue.

"This further confirms that Adva-27a will have great utility for cancer therapy in humans, particularly in view of the fact that twenty-four micromolar is over three times the actual concentration estimated to ultimately be used in patient therapy," Slilaty added.

HMEC are non-cancerous human mammary epithelial cells isolated from reduction mammoplasty tissue.

The molecular and biochemical basis for in vitro toxicity of drug candidates can be found by using HMEC cell line is the standard cell line.

Till date, Adva-27a anticancer compound demonstrated efficacy at killing different types of multidrug resistant cancer cell lines such as MES-SA/Dx5, a Uterine Sarcoma cell line, MCF-7/MDR, a breast cancer cell line and H69AR, a small-cell lung cancer cell line.