Pharmaceutical Business review

Takeda transfers license agreement for HPV vaccine to Kaketsuken

In October 2010, the Japanese firm entered into an agreement with the Japan Health HS Foundation for the development of the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer.

Subsequently, the company had conducted preclinical development of the vaccine candidate.

After transfer of the license agreement, Kaketsuken will continue research efforts to support future commercialization of the HPV vaccine.

Takeda Vaccine Business Unit president Rajeev Venkayya said: "Takeda welcomes Kaketsuken’s interest in the development of this vaccine candidate as a potential new option to fight HPV.

"Through these agreements and our ongoing work on other vaccine programs to address unmet medical needs, Takeda continues to contribute to public health in Japan and around the world."

The vaccine candidate was invented by Dr Tadahito Kanda, who has long been involved in HPV vaccine research at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) of Japan.

Japan HS Foundation assembles top researchers from industry, academia and government, and offers them with opportunities for joint research, functioning as a liaison between them or as a catalyst for progress in their research.