Pharmaceutical Business review

TherapyCharts Releases Electronic Health Record System

TherapyCharts has announced the release of electronic health record system at the APA 117th Annual Convention. TherapyCharts is an electronic health record (EHR) system tailored to the specific needs of individual and small clinic psychologists, clinical social workers, and mental health counselors, said the company.

Lisa Farmer, founder and CEO of TherapyCharts, said: “We are excited about releasing TherapyCharts at the APA annual convention. Based on discussions with numerous professionals in the mental health community and my personal experience, there is a great need for an EHR solution that fits the independent practitioners in our field. Through their input, we have designed what is sure to become the industry standard in electronic health records.”

The company said that TherapyCharts provides an affordable way to manage patient records. It is all online, and requires no new software or hardware to install or maintain, thus allowing for more collaborative work and offering the user flexibility on when and where they access patient records, claims the company.