Pharmaceutical Business review

USPTO grants patent to Aeterna oral ghrelin agonist

AEZS-130, which has been granted orphan drug designation by the FDA, is an orally-active small molecule that stimulates the secretion of adult growth hormone.

The company has completed a Phase 3 trial for use as an oral diagnostic test for AGHD and is also in a Phase 2A trial as a treatment for cancer-induced cachexia.

The company said the patent of AEZS-130 will expire on 12 October 2027.

Aeterna Zentaris president and CEO Juergen Engel said the patent, along with the company’s recent Fast Track designation request, represent important steps in its strategy aimed at bringing AEZS-130 to market in the most favorable conditions.

"There is no approved diagnostic test for AGHD in North America, and we believe AEZS-130 could provide a safe, effective and convenient oral test for this indication," Engel added.