Pharmaceutical Business review

USPTO issues notice of allowance for Amarin patent covering AMR101

A notice of allowance is issued after the USPTO makes a determination that a patent can be granted from an application.

The issued patent, which would cover a stable pharmaceutical composition of AMR101 comprising at least 95% EPA, would have a patent term that would expire no earlier than in 2030.

Amarin chairman and chief executive officer Joseph Zakrzewski said the issuance of this Notice of Allowance follows the recent issuance of a pharmaceutical composition patent (U.S. Patent No. 8,188,146) covering EPA with no DHA in a capsule.

"This patent application is part of our expanding patent portfolio for Amarin covering AMR101. Amarin is currently prosecuting greater than 25 pending U.S. patent applications with the goal of protecting the commercial potential of AMR101 to 2030 and beyond," Zakrzewski added.