Pharmaceutical Business review

WCCT Global starts clinical trial patient rescue program with pay-per-patient enrolled pricing structure

WCCT Global’s patient recruitment division "In-Site" is comprised of 12 key elements to ensure patient enrollment and retention. The rescue program that was effective as of October 1st is designed to have a recruitment campaign implemented within 7 business days to ensure quick patient referrals.

This rescue program has been designed to quickly enroll patients and offer the sponsors the assurance that they are only paying for the patients that are enrolled into the trial.

WCCT Global has implemented this pay-per-performance model because they feel they should be fully invested into every client and only win when the clients win in successful enrollment.

The reason WCCT Global’s "In-Site" is able to offer this plan is because of their years of experience recruiting patients in multiple therapeutic areas and the systems "In-Site" has designed to enroll and retain every patient from beginning to end of the trial.

This rescue plan is specifically designed for multi-site management and enrollment due to their ability to quickly initiates sites into the campaign by setting up real-time scheduling and implementing their fully dedicated patient recruitment call center.

This allows for WCCT Global "In-Site" to find the patients, pre-screen, and schedule the patients all in one call. The rescue plan also increases retention because WCCT Global "In-Site" can schedule and provide transportation to patient who may not have access. With data to prove that 70% of sites report enrollment delays, WCCT Global "In-Site’s" patient recruitment program has one goal which is to lower delays and increase the quality of patients volunteering for clinical trials.