Pharmaceutical Business review

ARKRAY USA wins contract from California Medical Assistance Program

ARKRAY USA president Jonathan Chapman said: "We are pleased that Medi-Cal will make ARKRAY’s line of blood glucose meters, testing strips and ancillary supplies available to their members with diabetes.

"We at ARKRAY place a great deal of emphasis in developing products that are not only easy to use, but provide testing results that are highly accurate, providing patients and healthcare professionals with the information they need to effectively manage their diabetes."

Diabetes, or diabetes mellitus, is a metabolic type of disease in which affected people have high blood glucose (blood sugar), either because insulin production is inadequate (Type 2), or because the islet cells in the pancreas no longer produce insulin (Type 1, sometimes referred to juvenile diabetes).

People with diabetes typically experience frequent urination, become increasingly thirsty and hungry.

The ADA estimates that more than 30 million Americans suffer from either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes and that 25.9% of American’s 65 years of age or greater will develop Type 2 diabetes.