Advertisement Conferee Registration Opens for Pittcon 2011 Discounts for Early Registration - Pharmaceutical Business review
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Conferee Registration Opens for Pittcon 2011 Discounts for Early Registration

Conferees registering before 14 February 2011, will save 50% on the registration fee. The low priced advance discount fee of $105 includes access to the technical presentations, the conferee networking sessions, plenary lecture, employment bureau services, and the exposition floor for the entire conference week.

There are several discounts available including free registration for conferees who take three or more short courses and students with valid I.D. pay only $25. New this year, is a group discount; purchase three registrations from the same company and get one registration free. Visit to get more information and to register.

This year’s Registration Chairman David Pensenstadler commented, "Based on the success and efficiency of the 2010 onsite badge pickup program, badges for Pittcon 2011, once again, will be available at the registration area in the GWCC and will not be mailed.", the official travel agency for Pittcon 2011, is also open for booking conferee housing and travel arrangements. offers many benefits including conference discounts on select hotels in Atlanta.