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Hong Kong government urges public to report unregistered drugs

Hong Kong's Department of Health has called on members of the public, and in particular medical practitioners and pharmacy operators, to report if they have been approached by people offering unregistered pharmaceutical products or drugs of unknown source.

The appeal was made after a number of group medical practices and private clinics were found to have administered unregistered flu vaccines to members of the public.

A spokesperson stressed that pharmaceutical products of unknown source and which had not been registered according to the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance (PPO) were potentially harmful in that their safety, efficacy and quality could not be ascertained.

Possession and supply of unregistered pharmaceutical products is an offence under the PPO, with the maximum penalties on conviction being a fine of $100,000 and two years’ imprisonment.

Investigation by the Hong Kong Department of Health have so far revealed that 2,700 doses of unregistered flu vaccines were supplied to group medical practices and private clinics in November.

Of these, 1,290 doses were seized by the Department, 410 doses were claimed to have been discarded by one of the group medical practices concerned, the whereabouts of another 170 doses has yet to be identified, and more than 800 doses may have been administered to members of the public.

Follow-up investigation by the Department is continuing.