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Patients choose Lilly drug over Viagra

Eli Lilly and Icos have tested their approved erectile dysfunction treatment Cialis in the first ever Canadian study measuring both patient and partner treatment preference, to discover a higher liking for Cialis than for Pfizer's Viagra.

In the study measuring user satisfaction, 58-70% of patient and 65-75% of partners preferred the Cialis to Viagra after they had switched from either Viagra to Cialis or from Cialis to Viagra.

The study was designed to obtain data in a ‘real world’ clinical setting about treatment preference and satisfaction of both men and their partners when they switched from one treatment to another. The study was conducted at 266 research sites across Canada and involved more than 2,400 patients and over 320 partners.

Patients who planned to change treatment from either Viagra (sildenafil) or Cialis to the other drug were invited to participate. Their level of satisfaction with their existing treatment was measured using a standardized questionnaire at their first physician visit. Treatment preference by patients and their partners was measured at the second visit together with physician-rated patient preference.

While overall treatment satisfaction scores were higher for Cialis than Viagra, the level of satisfaction was pronounced amongst partners, suggesting that the benefits of Cialis are particularly appealing to this group.