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Generex to develop safer smallpox vaccine

Generex Biotechnology Corporation's subsidiary, Antigen Express, has established collaborations with Emory University and the Imperial College of London to develop a novel smallpox vaccine.

The vaccine is based on proprietary Antigen Express technology that employs modified peptide antigens to stimulate immunity.

Antigen Express proprietary technologies dramatically enhance the immunogenicity of small fragments from viral or tumor-associated proteins. “This is a particularly attractive strategy in the case of bioterror agents such as smallpox,” said Robert Humphreys, founder and chief scientific officer of Antigen Express.

The possible threat of a smallpox bioterror attack has underscored the need for a safer smallpox vaccine. The frequency of adverse reactions to the existing vaccinia virus used for vaccination against smallpox is high enough to prevent mass vaccinations.

While attempts have been made at generating safer vaccines, none have been developed that are thought to be safe enough today for widespread use.