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HEE Corp supplement found to reduce blood glucose

Metabolic syndrome specialist HEE Corporation has received positive results from a pilot study investigating its diabetes supplement, HPB-84. The data shows the product successfully reduced blood glucose levels as well as patient dependence on oral medication.

HEE describes the diabetes supplement as a “breakthrough nutraceutical.” The company believes the product safely and effectively addresses the three major issues of type II diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels and insulin resistance whilst promoting insulin production.

The 12-week pilot study, which involved 10 participants, was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of HPB-84. During the investigation the average participant showed a 26.9% decrease in fasting blood glucose levels, and an average of 16% decrease in hemoglobin A1C. Prior to the trial, nine of the ten participants took oral medication and two of the patients were insulin dependent. Four of the nine participants were able to lessen their oral medication, and of the two taking insulin, one reduced the amount taken, while the other was able to completely stop taking insulin.

Researchers found a number of individual success stories in the trial. One 66 year old male had been a type II diabetic for thirteen years. At the beginning of the study, he was taking 14 medications and 130-140 units of insulin per day. By the end of the study, he was taking only six medications, no longer required insulin injections. A second participant reduced his average fasting blood glucose level to 110 from 270, lost 18 pounds, and is now taking half the dosage of his prescription medications.

The active ingredients in HPB-84 address the causes of diabetes to improve the quality of life. The ingredients, generally recognized as safe by the FDA, include bitter gourd, naja jihwa, jambul, fenugreek, bengal quince, gurmar and cinnamon. Recent clinical studies show no adverse drug interaction with HPB-84, but it is recommended that customers consult with physicians to determine the proper initial dosage.

HEE says most type II diabetes patients will start seeing positive results from taking HPB-84 within a short period of time, sometimes within a week, but results vary depending on the severity of symptoms, prescription medication and weight.