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Glaxo expands resources though new research unit

GlaxoSmithKline has created a new research unit designed to promote drug discovery by utilizing assets from external businesses and universities.

The “Centre of Excellence for External Drug Discovery” (CEEDD) will work in partnership with biotechnology companies, small and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies and academic institutions to deliver compounds with proof of therapeutic concept. The center will have its own budget and portfolio, but it will rely primarily on external scientific resources.

It is hoped the CEEDD will generate more targets and compounds than Glaxo would otherwise be able to develop. Products that might have had to wait for development can now be moved forward through joint initiatives. In addition, the CEEDD will provide avenues for Glaxo to learn about and incorporate alternative scientific and drug discovery approaches.

The ultimate objective is to exploit the full potential of R&D assets and get more medicines to more patients faster. Responsibility for this has been given to Dr Maxine Gowen, named senior vice president of the new CEEDD and will be supported by a small internal management team.

Since its inception, Glaxo has worked to promote and utilize assets beyond its internal resources by partnering with numerous scientists and organizations in academia and industry. A number of these collaborations exist under the umbrella of the Alternative Discovery Initiative (ADI), which uses business partners to supplement Glaxo’s discovery and development activities.