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Bayer to investigate Kogenate in hemophilia patients

Germany's Bayer AG has started phase I trials of its Kogenate drug in the treatment of inherited bleeding disorder hemophilia.

Bayer is hoping that the new long-acting product will change the existing treatment structure for the disease, because it may result weekly, or even less frequent, injections. Currently, patients have to take injections up to three times a week.

The new factor VIII drug utilizes PEGylated liposomal technology from Zilip-Pharma, a subsidiary of Dutch biotechnology company Recoly. This technology is expected to provide a longer time of activity in the body, resulting in less frequent injections.

Zilip-Pharma claims that previous clinical results outside of the US suggest a prolonged protection from bleeding episodes – one week or more – occurs when factor VIII, attached to liposomes, is administered to individuals with hemophilia A.