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APT Files Patent Application On SLMT

The technology expands commercial opportunities for APT in certain subfields of protein therapeutics

Advanced Proteome Therapeutics (APT) has filed a patent application on inventions related to its Swift Linkage Multivalent Technology (SLMT). Reportedly, this Patent, along with previous discoveries, represents a milestone in the company’s development and is a significant step toward commercialization.

Protein therapeutics sales are projected to be in the $75 billion range by 2013. The company feels that it is well positioned, by virtue of discoveries related to SLMT, to capitalize on the growing market with its own internal projects as well as those of potential partners.

Reportedly, the technology is currently being applied internally to protein targets aimed at treating cancer, Crohn’s disease, arthritis, obesity, atherothrombosis and plaque rupture. In conjunction with the company’s internal progress, the patent filing allows the company to foster relationships with potential partners, and/or customers that desire to utilize APT technology to further the development of their own programs.

According to the company the technology expands commercial opportunities for APT in certain subfields of protein therapeutics that have been especially challenging, providing APT with a competitive edge, and further validating its corporate strategy.