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Organon’s contraceptive completes European authorization

Organon has reported that NuvaRing, the company's once-a-month contraceptive, has successfully completed the European Mutual Recognition Procedure (MRP) in an additional 13 countries.

NuvaRing is already approved in 14 European Union territories using the MRP with the Netherlands as the reference member state. National marketing authorizations for the latest countries – including the UK, Poland and Czech Republic – have been applied for, and will extend NuvaRing’s availability throughout the EEA (EU countries and Iceland and Norway) to over 40 countries globally.

NuvaRing was developed to increase the convenience of contraceptive use. It is a flexible ring that is inserted into the vagina by a woman herself and remains there for 21 days. Organon claims it combines protection against pregnancy with a low incidence of side effects. NuvaRing reduces women’s estrogen exposure compared to commonly used combined oral contraceptives, providing 15 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 120 mcg etonogestrel daily.

The company says that since its introduction in 2002, sales of the once-a-month ring have grown year-on-year – from slightly more than E6 million in 2002 to E216 million at the close of 2006. It is currently used by over 1.5 million women worldwide.