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Advanced Biotherapy optimistic about AIDS trial

Following the initiation of a phase I, FDA-approved clinical trial to study an investigational treatment for drug-resistant AIDS patients, Advanced Biotherapy has reported that very preliminary results appear promising and suggest a beneficial effect in the treatment of AIDS.

The clinical trial has been designed to provide further evidence that inhibiting overproduction of TNF-alpha, and other cytokines, may provide a therapeutic benefit to those suffering from AIDS.

“In our opinion, the results of these very preliminary findings of a dramatic decrease in viral load, support our hypothesis and gives us encouragement that we are pursuing a correct approach that may ultimately lead to an immune-based therapy in treating AIDS,” stated Edmond Buccellato, Advanced Biotherapy’s CEO and chairman of the board of directors.

Drug resistance remains the single most important reason for virological failure. As the American Medical Association has explained, typically, soon after anti-HIV drug treatment is started, the amount of virus in the body is reduced dramatically, but there is always a small amount of the virus that continues reproducing. As the virus mutates, the drugs lose their ability to prevent it from reproducing, and at present there are no HIV drugs that completely stop the virus.