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Corautus up on favorable trial review

Corautus Genetics shares have risen almost 7.5% as an independent data monitoring committee recommended that the company proceed with its phase IIb trial in severe angina.

As a result of its scheduled interim safety analysis, the independent data monitoring committee (DMC) recommended the continuation of the clinical trial, named GENASIS, which is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of vascular endothelial growth factor-2 (VEGF-2) for the treatment of patients with severe angina.

The DMC is comprised of independent physicians and a statistician and was established to monitor the safety data from the trial. The committee’s planned interim safety analysis was conducted after the first 54 patients were treated in the trial.

“The real story being developed by the GENASIS trial is that it will generate the largest single trial accumulation of data regarding intramyocardial gene transfer,” said Dr Douglas Losordo, chief of cardiovascular research at Caritas St Elizabeth’s Medical Center, Boston and the trial’s national principal investigator. “We have seen promising data from the earlier clinical studies and are extremely pleased that the current trial is proceeding as planned.”