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ePharmaSolutions To Integrate iTrials Longitudinal Patient Database Into CRID

ePharmaSolutions, a provider of clinical research technologies and services, has entered into a relationship with iTrials to help improve the site selection and patient recruitment process.

ePharmaSolutions plans to integrate iTrials’ longitudinal patient database into its CRID (Clinical Research Investigator Database), linking practicing physicians and experienced research investigators with iTrials’ patient data to provide detailed views on each investigator’s protocol-specific patient populations from within their own practice and their established referral networks.

Additionally, those patient profiles can be tagged for recruitment by the physicians after they are selected for the study.

ePharmaSolutions said that pharmaceutical companies are expected to be able to contract directly with the company to provide this service at the study level and/or license the SFA (Site Feasibility Application) for self-service access to the investigator database, now including iTrials’ patient profiling tools with validated online feasibility survey tools and campaign management and reporting solutions.

Lance Converse, CEO of ePharmaSolutions, said: For the last 10 years iTrials has developed one of the industry’s largest HIPAA compliant sets of longitudinal patient data, linking more than 80m patients with over 3,50,000 physicians including each patient’s diagnoses, procedure events, age, gender and even original referral physician.

This data is very helpful in both protocol/site feasibility and patient recruitment campaigns and is expected to be integrated into our Site Feasibility Application for better site profiling and selection.

Mike Hassell, CEO of iTrials, said: Our new partnership is expected to provide the pharmaceutical industry with actionable data to help improve site feasibility and patient recruitment that until now has been either too expensive or not packaged in a way that was meaningful to study teams.