Recipharm has completed the purchase of Sanofi’s inhalation contract manufacturing business including a manufacturing plant situated in Holmes Chapel, UK.

Image: Recipharm acquires Sanofi inhalation contract manufacturing business. Photo: courtesy of rawpixel on Unsplash.
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The facility, which includes development and manufacturing capabilities for novel respiratory products, complements the inhalation development expertise offered by the Recipharm team in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.
Announced in June 2018, the acquisition forms part of Recipharm’s M&A growth strategy, which is focused on expanding its full service offering to include specialist, in-demand capabilities.
Recipharm CEO Thomas Eldered said: “Treatments for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are in high demand and are therefore key growth areas for our business.”
“This new capability allows us to expand our offering to customers developing novel respiratory products by adding additional expertise and manufacturing capacity to Recipharm. We look forward to growing this side of our business and continuing to enhance our wider development services offering.”
The Holmes Chapel manufacturing facility is one of the leading sites of its type in Europe and is home to a team of more than 450 specialist employees.
The prime technologies manufactured at the facility include metered dose inhalers and nasal sprays. It also houses several development suites specifically for dry powder and other inhalation technologies.
Source: Company Press Release.