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UK Department of Health approves antiviral drugs for flu

The Department of Health in the UK, has issued guidance on the use of antiviral drugs to manage people with flu-like illness in England who are at higher risk of developing complications from flu, following the Health Protection Agency (HPA) advice.

HPA seasonal flu surveillance head Richard Pebody said HPA is seeing an increase in flu activity mainly among school children indicating the start of this year’s flu season.

"Flu vaccination is still the most effective way of preventing flu and it is not too late to get it so we would encourage all those who are in ‘at risk’ groups to get vaccinated as they are more vulnerable to developing complications from flu,” Pebody added.

"Every season we remain vigilant and assess the flu situation as more information becomes available from our various surveillance systems and from the different virus samples we receive from across the UK."

Symptoms of flu include sudden onset of fever, cough, sore throat, aching muscles and joints.

As part of flu treatment, HPA has advised people to consume more fluids and take pain relievers such as paracetamol as well as advised children under 16 not to take any medicines containing aspirin.