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Biomarker Analysis

Fios Genomics

Fios employs a variety of data analysis approaches for discovery, characterisation and validation of genomic and proteomic biomarkers.

By combining our expertise in bioinformatic analysis of gene expression, next-generation sequencing and epigenetic data with our extensive knowledge in therapeutic areas such as inflammation, immunology, oncology and infectious diseases we can help you at every stage of the drug development process from pre-clinical research to clinical development for applications for identification and validation of:

  • Drug targets
  • Biomarkers and toxicity response pathways for predictive toxicology
  • Biomarkers for measurement of drug efficacy and mechanism of action
  • Predictive biomarkers for stratification /classification of patient response to drug
  • SNP genotype/DNA sequence analysis for the detection of novel SNPs implicated in disease or response to drugs

All data analysis workflows used are clearly described in our comprehensive study reports which fulfil the FDA criteria for pharmacogenomic (PGx) and pharmacogenetic (PGt) data submission.

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