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Calo2310 – The ‘All-in-One’ Reaction Calorimeter


The Calo2310pro is the newest reaction calorimeter for safety investigations as well as scale-up studies, based on the unique combination of the heat flow and heat balance method.

SYSTAG presents Calo2310 BS (BenchScale), an advanced system for combined heat flow and heat balance methods in a new design. The compact look perfectly disguises the many integrated features. In addition to the now standard and complementing testing methods heat-flow (HF) & heat-balance calorimetry (HBC), the following operations have also been included:   calo2310
  • Adiabatic process controls
  • Volumetric dosing for liquids with Harvard syringe pump
  • Unlimited solid compound dosing events
  • Improved mathematical model to increase reproducibility and accuracy

This calorimeter is offered in three models, ECO (standard), BASE (non-isotherrmal heat transfer calorimeter with True-Watt-Base-Line) and Pro (combination HF & HB Calorimtery, non-isothermal), with outstanding versatility and reliable performance.

For hazardous reaction

Based on the different types of analytical measurements, Calo2310 BS permits all necessary and representative testing options for process safety evaluations, generating accurate results required in scale-up calculations. Even very complex and often unrecognised thermal reactions are clearly displayed, allowing the specialist to easily make conclusions about the process at hand. With vertically integrated measurements, artefacts are safely and reliably identified and interpreted accordingly.

Calo2310 PRO is breaking new ground in process safety technology to further enhance the safety and robustness of chemical reactions.

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