Go-Dove offers a complete suite of services for our Corporate Accounts. From small and mid-size firms to multinational global corporations, we tailor our services accordingly to meet your needs. After meeting with our clients, viewing their equipment and understanding their requirements, we can provide the best methods in the industry to fully assist them.
We provide a variety of asset based and inventory appraisals, ranging from individual items to complete manufacturing facilities. These appraisals may be used for, amongst other things, asset impairment tests, asset transfers and valuations.
We help our customers make substantial savings in capital expenditure and generate significant extra cash through the sale of identified surplus assets via the deployment of AssetZone – our web-based redeployment tool. AssetZone provides complete visibility of internally available surplus assets on a global basis, enabling those assets to be redeployed internally or sold in the open market via one of our vertical exchanges.
We offer a wide variety of programs, designed to maximise the resale value of your equipment, and the ease of use in selling it.
For small amounts of assets, we offer equipment exchanges; these are weekly and monthly selling events of similar assets pooled together to create a single selling event. Exchanges offer like-items together from companies who do not have enough assets on their own to conduct a sale. Exchanges also offer a seller immediate liquidity, as they do not have to wait for long periods to sell their items at some future date. We offer exchanges in a wide variety of asset classes, and continuously market them to a global audience.
We offer dedicated online events for our corporate clients, to take advantage of their own built-in brand recognition. Our operations team will travel to the plant location, digitally photograph and professionally describe every item in a facility, and post this information to a dedicated micro site on Go-Dove. Our marketing team will create a high impact campaign to showcase these assets to a worldwide audience, as well as our in-house database of one million purchasers.
We conduct featured online sales (internet-only) and webcast events (internet plus live audience), to allow purchasers worldwide to bid in an open, competitive marketplace for your assets.
Certain assets, due to their unique nature, require additional exposure to the marketplace, and need to be handled differently from the more traditional model number / serial number assets within a facility. The select assets may be few in production, have small installed bases and are used for industry-specific purposes. In these specialised cases, we assist corporations by selling these items through our private treaty desk. Our experienced team does in depth research, locates logical users, directly contacts potential buyers, and negotiates sales on our clients behalf.
This method has proven quite successful over the many decades of our operations, and continues to be an important aspect of our total service offering to our corporate accounts.
We have demonstrable asset, industry and market expertise in the following industries: