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Human Tissue and Human Tissue-Based Research Services

More info about Asterand

Human Tissues & Biofluids


Asterand is a leading global supplier of human tissues and biofluids with accompanying clinical information for research purposes.

Our XpressBANKTM biobank contains several hundred thousand samples from a broad range of anatomic sites, diseases and with diverse ethnic representation. All of our biospecimens are obtained using stringent standard operating procedures and ethical protocols to provide assurance to the researcher that the materials will meet their scientific needs.

For our clients requiring tissue samples with accompanying clinical outcome data, we maintain our BioReserveTM repository of frozen and fixed tissues with patient follow-up data.

Through our XpressBANKTM and BioReserveTM repositories, we are able to provide our clients rapid delivery of human tissue, biofluids and tissue derivatives that best meet their research requirements.

Customised acquisition of biomaterials

Does your research require biospecimens collected using a specialised protocol?
Asterand offers unparalleled access to human tissue and biofluids through its worldwide network of donor institutions. Through our ProCURETM service, human tissues and clinical data can also be custom collected to meet unique requirements.

Highly characterised specimens

All samples are provided with more than 100 clinical data points. Each donor site uses a standardised clinical data form and pathologic data is classified using ICD-03 and ICD-9 codes for anatomic site, morphology and behavior. As a final check, Asterand’s clinical data management associates review records for each case to ensure completeness and consistency. Our stringent evaluation and classification process ensures our clients receive clinically relevant data to assist them in their research.

Unsurpassed quality assurance

Each biospecimen is assessed using uniform quality assurance tests. Our pathologists independently confirm the anatomic site and diagnosis for each tissue procured. In addition, our lab technicians assess the RNA integrity of each tissue received. This information is provided to our clients before they purchase so they can accurately select the samples which will best meet their needs. This reduces the number of failed experiments due to inappropriate or poor quality samples.

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