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This is the amount of water vapor (kg) contained per unit volume (m3) of the gas mixture. In a gas mixture the water vapor generates a certain partial pressure that is part of the total barometric gas pressure. The vapor pressure can only rise to its saturation limit, which is determined by the temperature. Thereafter water is given off in liquid form (dew). The maximum pressure is called saturation pressure and is temperature dependent. The temperature dependency is, however, not included in the term of absolute humidity.


The HC2-S / HC2-S3 is the most versatile probe from ROTRONIC and forms the basis of the product portfolio. It measures humidy and temperature and calculates the dew/frost point.

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The HC2-S / HC2-S3 is the most versatile probe with ROTRONIC and forms the basis of the product portfolio. It measures humidy and temperature and calculates the dew/frost point.

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HygroFlex3 – HF3

HygroFlex3R-Type / S-Type
Measures relative humidity and temperature and calculates the dew/frost point in offices and rooms where good looks play a role.

W-Type / D-Type
Measures relative humidity and temperature and calculates the dew/frost point in HVAC applications focused on relability and repeatability.

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HygroFlex5 – HF5

HygroFlex5The HygroFlex5-series is the latest development in transmitters for humidity, temperature and dew point. One outstanding feature of this product is the possibility to output any psychrometric calculation as an analogue signal.

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The new HygroFlex5-EX series is the latest development in two-channel transmitters for the exact measurement of humidity and temperature in explosive atmopsheres. This device conforms to the latest international standards.

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HygroFlex8 – HF8

Measures relative humidity, temperature and all calculated (psychrometric) parameters in the fields of HVAC, industry and pharmaceuticals.

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HygroGen2 – HG2 – S

HygroGen2Portable humidity and temperature generator to calibrate humidity and temperature measuring instruments (multi-point calibration)

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HygroLog HL – 1D

HygroHumidity and temperature data logger. Compact, dependable and inexpensive.

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HygroLog HL – 20

HygroThe compact data logger for humidity and temperature measurement offers high precision and reliability at a reasonable price. The HL-20 series is easy to use and deployable in a wide range of applications. Thanks to its integrated batteries, the HL – 20 works completely independently and offers its users maximum flexibility.

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HygroLog HL-NT2

HygroHigh-end loggers HL-NT2 series

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HygroPalm – HP23 – A

HygroThe HygroPalm23 – A is the high-end product in our range of handheld instruments. Apart from measuring humidity and temperature, it also calculates all psychrometric parameters and offers various additional functions. The measurement results can be recorded continuously and these separated simply using the batch function. All ROTRONIC transmitters in the Airchip 300 series can be adjusted with the HP23-A via a service cable.

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