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Preclinical Imaging Services

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In Vivo Optical Imaging


Animascope uses state-of-the-art imaging technologies to support the development of innovative diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic applications. In vivo imaging has become a cornerstone in clinical and preclinical studies.

Noninvasive technologies facilitate the studies of structures, functions and dysfunctions of organs through real-time acquisition, processing and quantification of whole-body images.

In biomedical research, in vivo imaging is applicable to exploratory research, and bridges the gap between preclinical and clinical research. Imaging is particularly useful for pathophysiology, phenotyping
and model validation studies.

Non-invasive in vivo imaging is a cost and time-effective approach to streamline R&D and increase predictability of clinical outcomes, while reducing animal usage. In this context, optical imaging plays an increasing role in preclinical research. It can be used to assess the delivery, liberation, efficacy and safety of drugs, biologics, biopharmaceuticals, nanoparticles, biomaterials and stem/progenitor cells. Optical imaging can also assist in risk assessment and reproductive toxicology (teratology) of many safety and efficacy studies in several therapeutic fields.

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