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Medical Affairs

To supplement your clinical research needs, Cyncron can also assist you in medical affairs

  • Medical writing
    With our vast experience in clinical research, the medical writers at Cyncron can assist both large pharmaceutical and smaller biotech companies with the preparation of clinical development plans and protocols, investigator’s brochures, integrated clinical trial reports, safety summaries and clinical expert summaries.
  • To provide you with optimal patient access, Cyncron is continuously expanding and maintaining its Scandinavian network of effective sites and investigators to cover our focus areas. Contact us to learn more about, for instance, our Nordic cardiovascular networks or SDN, the Scandinavian Diabetes Network, established by Cyncron
  • Regulatory affairs:
    Cyncron has solid experience in regulatory issues and also gives regulatory advice at a more strategic level for drug development. We review and advise on IMPD (investigational medicinal product dossier), investigator’s brochure and advise on the release of drugs for clinical trials in the EU
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