Far more than "cheminformatics" - Manage your company's knowledge base. Solves the hard problems, such as structural novelty and stereochemical uncertainty, manages your company's registration "workflow" process and business rules.
A chemical registration system is central to any pharmaceutical or biotechnology company. How to define structural novelty and how to handle stereochemical uncertainty, together with the ability to apply unique business rules relating to the representation of chemical structures, and being able to change business rules as your business changes, is what can help give a company its competitive edge in the marketplace. Typical questions a company have are: "How quickly can all our users access new data as it is added?" and "How is performance affected once there are millions of records in the database?"
Modgraph Consultants Ltd have worked for more than ten years building chemical registration systems for some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. We have the experience to overcome all the problems encountered with registration systems, including dealing with corporate business rules, stereochemistry and the vast size of today’s databases. We have even satisfied a recent customer’s requirement to obtain results back from a sub-structure search from anywhere on their worldwide network in less than ten seconds, against a database of over 4,000,000 structures.
The client runs under Windows NT, Windows 2000 or as a web application. The server runs on either Linux or Unix (IRIX or Solaris) servers.
More on MGChem Suite.