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More info about BSL BIOSERVICE



BSL BIOSERVICE offers a wide range of services from early pharmacological screening studies in tissue culture, cellular assays accompanying clinical trials as well as a broad based portfolio of in vivo services.

They accelerate your candidate’s development from tailor-made proof-of-concept studies, like infection and vaccination test designs under bio-safety level 2, pharmacokinetics to IND-enabling safety pharmacology.


In vitro Studies

In cooperation with leading research groups BSL BIOSERVICE have established several tests using different tissue culture models for quality control of pharmaceuticals. This offers you the opportunity to investigate a variety of pharmacological aspects atconsiderably lower costs compared to clinical trials or animal studies.

In vivo Studies

Knowledge of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic parameters is essential for the characterisation of active substances. The primary screening of compounds for pharmacological and antimicrobial activities assist in selecting candidates for further evelopment. There is an increasing emphasis on obtaining pharmacokinetic information throughout the developmental process.

Drug Metabolism

  • DMPK in vitro
  • ADME in vivo

Dermal Absorption

  • Human skin permeation
  • Human skin models

Pharmacokinetics / Toxikokinetics


  • Vaccination studies
  • Infection studies (safety level L2/S2)

Safety Pharmacology Core Battery*

  • Cardiovascular system (Telemetry)
  • Respiratory system (Plethysonography)
  • Central nervous system
  • Renal system
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