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Real Compounds


We can help you to escape from the availability bias and benefit from the huge diversity of drug-like compounds in your virtual screening campaigns and search for hit analogs.

The chemical universe is immense. Have you ever thought that you can deal with virtual compounds as if they are from stock and benefit from low prices and assured quick delivery with minimum attrition? We can help you to escape from the availability bias and benefit from the huge diversity of drug-like compounds in your virtual screening campaigns and search for hit analogs.

Having almost 225 000 building blocks in stock, we are ready at any moment to assemble the final molecules on your request in just 1-3 synthesis steps. We set no limitations on the number of compounds to synthesize and allow cherry-picking in the entire synthetically feasible space counting over 15 billion REAL (REadily AccessibLe™) compounds.

We only need 3-4 weeks to ship you a library of ca. 100 compounds. For a typical order, the synthesis success rate normally attains 80% and higher. This is achieved because of the usage of only available in-stock building blocks. Moreover, each such reagent has been previously subjected to test reactions profiling its reactivity. Together with thorough validated chemical reactions and elaborated SOP’s these factors make the REAL compounds a unique product that allows for going beyond what is available in stock in the search for new hit compounds. Ordering the REAL compounds is the same as if you order compounds from stock.

There are two principal solutions to access REadily AccessibLe™ compounds. REAL Database lists enumerated REAL compounds. You can search it online at our website. REAL Space Navigator is a chemoinformatics software tool generating REAL compounds that are similar to your query structure. This is not a database.

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