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PreSens Precision Sensing

Sensors for Industry and Research

Sensor Probes

PreSens Precision Sensing

Microsensors and non-invasive sensors for a variety of applications.

Non-Invasive Oxygen Sensors

The non-invasive oxygen sensors measure the partial pressure of both dissolved and gaseous oxygen. These sensor spots are used for glassware and disposables. The sensor spots are fixed on the inner surface of the glass or transparent plastic material. The oxygen concentration can therefore be measured in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner from outside, through the wall of the vessel. Different coatings for different concentration ranges are available.

Oxygen Microsensors

Needle-type oxygen microsensors are miniaturised chemical optical oxygen sensors designed for all research and packaging applications where a small tip size (< 50 µm) and fast response time (t90 < 1s) are necessary. The optical oxygen microsensors are based on a 140 µm silica fiber  and are available with two different sensor tip diameters, a < 50 µm tapered tip and a 140 µm flat-broken tip. The oxygen micro-sensors are mounted in different housings (needle-type housing, implantable) and offer a unique research tool for investigating systems where micro-invasive, small and robust sensors are needed.

Oxygen Probes

Oxygen probes measure the partial pressure of both dissolved oxygen and gaseous oxygen. The oxygen sensor coating is integrated into high grade stainless steel fittings. The oxygen probes show an excellent long-term stability and stand rough process conditions. PreSens oxygen probes operate in industrial process control, trace oxygen measurement in the brewing and beverage industry and in various research applications.

Non-Invasive pH Sensors

The non-invasive pH sensors are optimised for physiological solutions and culture media. These sensor spots are mounted in transparent vessels made of plastics or glass for example. Plastic vessels with integrated pH sensors are ready-to-use as they are beta-irradiated and calibration-free. The pH is measured in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner from outside. They enable continous monitoring of pH without the need for at-line sampling.

Carbon Dioxide Sensors

The carbon dioxide sensors measure the partial pressure of dissolved carbon dioxide. The spots are fixed on the inner surface of a glassware or transparent plastic material. The CO2 concentration can therefore be measured in a non-invasive and non-destructive manner from outside, through the wall of the vessel.

pH Microsensors

pH microsensors are miniaturised pH sensors designed for measuring in small volumes and high spatial resolutions. The sensor tip is below 150 µm. The sensors are based on a 140 µm silica fiber which enables integration into a manifold of small scale environments. These sensors do not require reference electrodes and there is no leakage of electrolytes, a clear advantage over common electrodes.

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