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Service and Quality

Matthews Brand Solutions

MBS Pharma Centres have a complete understanding of, and keep up to date with, all relevant legislation, including MHRA, EMEA and FDA requirements. Alongside the comprehensive GMP training and development programme we operate for all our personnel, we also have SOPs in place to provide guidance and rules, along with providing the confidence to our clients of our abilities.

Eliminating errors and driving continual improvement

Our management team are trained to ‘GMP trainer’ level and we are regularly audited by all of our pharmaceutical clients to ensure we remain in compliance. In partnership with our clients, production activities are accurately mapped with the aim of improving the process. Our client dedicated teams work towards eliminating errors and driving continual improvement by deployment of quality tools such as root cause analysis.

We record market errors, customer errors, internal non-conformances and customer complaints and apply visual management of these results and trends as part of our continuous improvement philosophy. Continuous improvement is at the heart of our service offering, and we employ professionally trained personnel to facilitate this process. This benchmarking process is also the trigger for our internal R&D process, to ensure that we remain at the forefront of our industry

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