Combination of sensor probes and appropriate transmitters.
The SFR – Shake Flask Reader monitors oxygen and pH in up to nine shake flasks simultaneously. It fits in nearly all standard shakers. The corresponding ready-to-use flasks contain pre-calibrated sensor spots. The system monitors non-invasively through the transparent bottom of the flask. Different types and sizes of flasks are available. Plastic flasks contain pre-calibrated oxygen and pH sensors. They are ready-to-use for one cultivation. Glass flasks are equipped with autoclavable oxygen sensors.
The SDR SensorDish Reader® is a small 24-channel reader for non-invasive detection of oxygen and pH in multidishes (SensorDishes). These contain a sensor spot at the bottom of each well. They are read out non-invasively through the transparent bottom. SensorDishes for oxygen (OxoDish®) and pH (HydroDish®) are available in the 24-well and 6-well format. Read out of oxygen sensors integrated in glass vessels for respiration monitoring is also possible. The SensorDish Reader can be used in incubators and on shakers and is thus the ideal tool for cell cultivation.
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