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Tumor Analysis

Path XL

TissueMark is an innovative, user-friendly solution for the automated identification of tumor tissue on standard H&E stained digital slides.

Using PathXL’s powerful algorithm technology, TissueMark automatically indicates the tumor boundary and supplies an accurate and consistent calculation of the percentage of tumor cells present in the sample.

Key features

  • Streamlines macrodissection for molecular analysis and biomarker discovery
  • Saves pathologists’ time by providing automated and highly accurate tumor boundary annotations
  • Contributes to sample purity through consistent percentage tumor calculation
  • Pathologists may operate remotely from any location
  • View images and annotation at any resolution
  • All data securely archived for later review
  • TissueMark supports the pathologist with accurate and highly consistent tumor information
  • Enhances laboratory workflow with an intuitive interface and high levels of automation
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