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UV Cured Coatings


Coatings which are based on UV curing avoid the emission of VOC (volatile organic components).

Coatings which are based on UV curing avoid the emission of VOC (volatile organic components). These coatings need less time to be cured leading to a short product time. Schekolin is clearly the market leader in UV curing coating applications for extruded tubes and at the forefront of the latest developments in LED curing and low-migration, fulfilling new regulations such as Swiss ordinance EDI 817.023.21 and comparable EU norms. It offers different lines of UV coatings from Basic to premium line. All lines are all available with gloss or matt effect. The most complete line is the premium line which is completely free of VOC and combines high aesthetic properties with an oxigen barrier and low migration. The premium line covers many requirements with one product.

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