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Wingspan eTMF: Complete, Consistent, Compliant

The regulatory authorities have stressed that the TMF must contain the complete and accurate documentation organized in a manner suitable for managing the conduct of the trial and enabling evaluation by audit or inspection. Wingspan eTMF provides you with key features to specify and monitor what documents are required for each trial, when they are needed, and whether they have been received and passed quality checks.

eTMF is safe, secure, reliable and fast. Small Pharmas, Big Pharmas, and CROs are already using eTMF to get their products to market faster.

Clinical Trial Software with Countless Benefits

etmfWingspan eTMF saves you time and money while giving you compliance assurance. Our convenient wizards and CTMS integration allow you to easily define all the documents expected in your TMF on the study, country and site levels. Because you know what documents you expect, you know what documents are missing, what documents are late, and who is responsible.

With instant access to real time metrics and robust reporting features, you can decrease audit preparation time and ensure all your requirements are being met. Wingspan eTMF is available under a trial-based licensing model, so you only pay for the number of studies you are running; plus, the cost goes down with each trial you add.

Seamless Collaboration between Sponsors and CROs

We designed the Wingspan eTMF with collaboration in mind. Sponsors can easily track the performance of their partners with the reporting features. CROs can drive down costs by allocating the per-trial license to each client. With Wingspan eTMF, sponsors and CROs have a secure way to access data at every step of the trial.

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