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IFS125HR – FTIR Spectrometer for High-Spectral Resolution

Three decades ago, Bruker started to set the pace for achieving high-spectral resolution in Fourier transfer infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.

The IFS 120HR was universally recognised as the winner. The IFS 125HR is the proud successor of the IFS 120HR, offering further spectral resolution enhancement and increased measurement sensitivity over a wide spectral range from 5cm-1 in the far-infrared (FIR) / terahertz up to 50,000cm-1 in ultraviolet (UV).

Whether you are studying the composition of the stratosphere on top of Germany’s highest mountain, the 2,964m Zugspitze, or the structure of gaseous molecules in your own research laboratory, you need the highest sensitivity at the highest resolution possible.

Download this free white paper to find out more.