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Software of clairvoyance, structure and reliability

Nowadays clinical trials require advanced software systems to get them up and running efficiently. The capability of those systems are not only about organisation, but is about foreseeing potential issues as well as troubleshooting them. Irena Seredina and Muriel Comblain, executive director and head of operations at S-Clinica respectively, discuss how their company’s clinical trial management system is helping clients around the world anticipate and mitigate risks, while continuing to keep costs under control.

The planning, management and tracking of clinical trials are essential components within medical research. As studies become increasingly complex and expensive, it is more important than ever to have the correct tools in place to ensure they are as efficiently run as possible. A clinical trial management system (CTMS) is an umbrella term for software that makes use of the latest technological advances to help pharmaceutical and biotech companies consolidate their operational data and speed up study execution.

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