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Daiichi Sankyo licenses TS23 thrombus dissolving agent from Translational Sciences

Japan's Daiichi Sankyo has licensed a novel blood clot-dissolving agent from US-based Translational Sciences.

The drug candidate, dubbed TS23, is in phase I trials, evaluating safety and biomarker efficacy.

Phase II trials, which will identify safety and efficacy in acute thrombotic vascular, are expected to be undertaken in the first quarter of 2016.

Translational Sciences will receive unspecified fees, milestones and royalties from Daiichi Sankyo for exclusive rights to develop and commercialize TS23 globally.

The deal is part of Daiichi Sankyo’s R&D strategy to expand its portfolio in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis.

Translational Sciences CSO/CEO Guy Reed said: "Daiichi Sankyo recognized the great potential of this novel therapy. We believe they have the expertise and resources to fully develop it for the millions of patients each year who suffer cardiovascular disease and stroke."

Development of TS23 was supported by the US National Institutes of Health, particularly the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Institute Of Neurological Disorders And Stroke.

Translational Sciences said there is room for improvement in treating blood clots causing diseases like ischemic stroke, heart attack and acute peripheral vascular ischaemia.

They are currently being treated with an injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) products like Genentech/Boehringer Ingelheim’s Activase/Actilyse (alteplase).

tPA has significant risks, resulting in delayed treatment.