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Sosei compounds to be tested for new indications

California's KineMed has signed a compound evaluation agreement with leading Japanese biopharmaceutical company Sosei Co Ltd to screen a number of clinically tested compounds for potential new indications.

Under the terms of the deal, KineMed will screen numerous molecules provided by the library of Sosei’s drug reprofiling platform (DRP) using its proprietary in vivo KineMarker assays.

KineMed will use its assays to determine whether any of the compounds, most of which have advanced through phase I or phase II clinical testing and with favorable safety profiles, have potential for indications other than those for which they were originally developed.

“The potential to gain added value through KineMed’s repurposing approach is significant and may address multiple unmet medical needs,” stated Chizuko Koseki, vice president of research planning and head of DRP at Sosei. “We are hopeful that KineMed’s screening will expand the therapeutic and economic potential of many of the DRP compounds.”