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Philippine DOH unveils micronutrient supplement for kids

The Department of Health (DOH) in the Philippines, has unveiled a new product on micronutrient supplementation for children in Ilocos Norte.

The Provincial Health Office Junelyn Abellon said the product is a micronutrient powder, which contains iron, vitamins.

"This additional supplement is part of the Garantisadong Pambata program of the DOH," Abellon added.

"The DOH is planning to expand the program to children up to 71 months old if there will be more supplies next time."

As part of the GP program, which is conducted twice a year, vitamin A supplements are given to children six to 59 months old and lactating mothers; iron drops and tablets are given to children and pregnant and lactating mothers and deworming for children 12-71 months old.

The micronutrient powder for underweight kids aged six to 23 months old has been additionally added in the program.

The powder, which is to be taken once a day, will be packed in a small sachet and 60 sachets will be provided for every recipient-child twice a year.