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Business Review webinar to discuss potential pharma manufacturing locations in US

Business Review is presenting Jennifer Brice, Industry Manager, Pharmaceuticals of Frost & Sullivan alongside Bill Bullock Vice President Bioscience Industrial Development for North Carolina Biotechnology Centre at a webinar, to provide pharmaceutical professionals with the knowledge they need to invest in the future development of their manufacturing facility locations.

Together they will cover recent relocation projects, the benefits of Triangle Park in North Carolina and the all important $1bn Investment Novartis has made in the region, to develop their first cell culture-derived influenza vaccine manufacturing plant in the US.

The webinar will address questions and issues concerning the location process applicable to any company at any stage in development.

The webinar will also address issues related to factors that are important to consider when locating in the US; importance of an available and trained workforce; infrastructure; R&D capabilities; funding and capital availability; as well as a supportive community surrounding the life sciences and quality of life.

Frost & Sullivan and North Carolina Biotechnology Centre are the content developers for the webinar.

Business Review Webinar