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Intomics, LEO Pharma Collaborate For Biological Data Analysis

Intomics has entered into an agreement with LEO Pharma to assist the later with advanced biological data analysis services for faster drug discovery projects.

Under the agreement, LEO Pharma’s clinical expertise and Intomics technology in analyzing biological data will be combined to help the LEO Pharma quickly develop better and safer drugs.

Intomics, the recently founded spin-off company from The Danish Technical University, has methods and tools for use in LEO Pharma’s early drug discovery.

Thomas Jensen, founder and CEO of Intomics, said: “Using our unique expertise and state-of-the-art biological data analysis technologies, we can facilitate fast, efficient research projects with improved results for LEO Pharma.

“Today, research projects generate large amounts of biological data, and sophisticated analyses of these are required to optimize the success rate of research projects. To facilitate this, both highly specialized know how and advanced tools are required.

“The synergy between LEO Pharma’s research in dermatology and critical care, and Intomics’ expertise in advanced biological analyses, will help face this challenge and lead to better, safer drugs — and ultimately benefit patients in these important areas.”