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Corautus angina trial given all clear

The third and final planned interim safety analysis was conducted after the first 240 patients were treated in the trial. The data safety monitoring committee (DMC) is a

Callisto licenses new class of cancer drug

The novel anticancer activity of these analogs, developed by scientists at MD Anderson, relates to their ability to selectively degrade key proteins that are involved in tumor cell

Positive trial for Conrad’s contraceptive gel

The contraceptive gel containing 6% cellulose sulfate is also being developed to prevent sexually transmitted infections including HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia infections. Previous clinical safety studies have shown

CombiMatrix expands relationship with Inbio

Under the expanded agreement Inbio will assume greater day-to-day operational responsibility and majority ownership of CombiMatrix Corporation’s Japanese sales and distribution subsidiary, CombiMatrix KK. Inbio has obtained 67%

Master genetic switch found for chronic pain

Neuropathic pain is abnormal pain that outlasts the injury and is associated with nerve and/or central nervous system changes. The animals rendered deficient in the gene, called Runx1,