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Starpharma’s HIV drug fast tracked by FDA

VivaGel is currently being developed as a vaginal microbicide gel to prevent the transmission of genital herpes and HIV. VivaGel was also recently awarded $20 million by the

FDA approves ZLB Behring’s immunodeficiency drug

Vivaglobin represents another treatment option for patients who may not easily tolerate the currently available intravenous method because they have poor venous access or experience serious side effects

Vertex drug shows promise in hepatitis C

The combination of VX-950 and peg-IFN produced a median 5.5 log10 reduction in hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at day 14, which equates to a 300,000 fold reduction

Tripos considers its strategic options

The company has retained the financial advisory firm Seven Hills Partners to help it to explore the various alternatives for the future of the company. “Our objective is

Avalon initiates trial of anticancer drug

The phase I clinical trial is designed as an open-label, repeat dose-escalation study for the evaluation of the safety and tolerability of AVN944 in adult patients with advanced