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Neuralgic amyotrophy caused by gene defect

Neuralgic amyotrophy (HNA), a rare hereditary disease, is characterized by repeated attacks of pain in a shoulder, arm, and/or hand, followed by total or partial paralysis of the

Taisho licenses stroke drug from medical college

The new treatment was co-developed in the laboratories at the Medical College in cooperation with Taisho scientists. The Research Foundation awarded Taisho exclusive world-wide rights to further develop

Biomira delays lung cancer drug trial

The commencement of the trial had been expected at the end of 2005, but is now expected to move into 2006. An accelerated stability study of a vaccine

Flamel hepatitis C drug performs well in trial

IFN-alpha-XL utilizes nanoparticle technology to provide a long-acting formulation of interferon alpha that may have enhanced efficacy and reduced toxicity compared with unmodified or PEG-modified interferon formulations. “Interferon