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FDA requests more information on Avanir drug

Pseudobulbar affect is a condition that sometimes affects multiple sclerosis sufferers, leaving them unable to control their emotions. The agency requested that the company provide an expansion of

Illumina and GSK in research collaboration

Under the terms of the agreement, Illumina will use Sentrix Arrays in conjunction with the company’s GoldenGate and Infinium assays to conduct genetic studies for thousands of samples

Genaera commences study of cystic fibrosis drug

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Therapeutics, a nonprofit drug discovery and development affiliate of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, is supporting this trial with study-specific funding of up to $2.35 million

FDA fast tracks Medicure’s heart drug

“The FDA’s Fast Track designation is a significant endorsement of the sizeable medical need for a product like MC-1,” commented Medicure’s president and CEO, Dr Albert Friesen. “The

Pfizer’s Lyrica distributed in US

Lyrica has a newly defined mechanism of action and represents an important treatment advance. It is the first treatment approved by the FDA to treat two distinct forms