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WHO recommends Ranbaxy’s AIDS drugs

The WHO’s prequalification list is intended to help countries decide which medicines to purchase when considering anti-AIDS campaigns. Ranbaxy called the move a significant development that would make

Vitamin B protects against Alzheimer’s disease

Adults who eat the daily recommended allowance of foliates (B-vitamin nutrients found in oranges, legumes, leafy green vegetables and folic acid supplements) significantly reduce their risk of developing

Agenix and Diosynth strike manufacturing deal

The agreement will see Agenix transfer the manufacturing process developed by the company to Diosynth Biotechnology for further process refinement and commercial scale manufacturing. “This is a very

Study offers insight on antibiotics

The antibiotics studied belong to the rifamycin family. Until now, researchers believed that these antibiotics and their derivatives, of which there are at least a thousand, all killed